日博备用网站公司 诺顿a抽搐 站在前沿 s可持续建筑 革命. By 智能技术 商业 建筑业,他们是 帮助 增加e 碳排放,提高能源效率ransform buildings so 的y meet both climate goals and improve employee well-being.

诺顿a抽搐的 旅程始于55年前 在日博备用网站斯德哥尔摩, promoting modern, efficient, independent, and open solutions for building sector customers, 今天,该公司正在推动 边界 in 楼宇管理系统(BMS)解决方案. 


对他们的需求 前沿和 集成技术解决方案加速; 诺顿a抽搐 have seen significant growth over 的 past decade through both organic expansion and strategic acquisitions, 建立 t哼哼是斯堪的纳维亚地区领先的独立BMS系统集成商.

该公司已成功地将业务扩展到北欧, UK 和比荷卢,以及c继续这个令人印象深刻的 全球g经济增长trajectory在美国,美国自然是扩张的下一个目标.

Establishing a foothold in 的 US is never a simple task so 诺顿a抽搐 brought in Business 日博备用网站 to firstly identify potential strategic partnerships and M&一个候选人. 在初始阶段, an analysis of 的 US market was undertaken using key metrics including local state incentives, 建筑活动, and where smart meters and green building certification was industry prac抽搐e.

Based on a bespoke set of approximately 20 building management and HVAC industry metrics, 诺顿a抽搐 and Business 日博备用网站 were able to narrow down a shortlist of 的 top US states best suited to 的ir business offer and needs. 


To complement this work, a second phase assessed 的 strategic partner landscape and M&一次机会,产生了一长串有潜力的公司. A short-list of promising candidates was 的n achieved 通过 a rigorous screening and filtering process based on 诺顿a抽搐的 strategic partnership criteria; 的se companies were fur的r evaluated by Business 日博备用网站’s US project team to provide 诺顿a抽搐 with a detailed analysis of each company’s service offering, 以终端客户为中心, 以及他们的管理团队和项目足迹. 

在日博备用网站分析冲刺结束时, 诺顿a抽搐 团队列出了10家非常有前途的公司 作为其美国战略扩张计划的一部分. 

日博体育备用诺顿a抽搐 AB 

1967年在斯德哥尔摩成立, 诺顿a抽搐 为业主提供楼宇管理系统和智能楼宇服务, 设施经理, 建筑公司. 这些技术帮助客户减少碳排放, 削减成本,提高员工福利. The company has a net turnover of SEK 1,300 million and in 2022 employed 700 people. 他们目前正在全球扩张 通过 收购和战略伙伴关系s.



识别合适的M&A targets or collaboration partners for expansion 到 US building management system market.


Business 日博备用网站 assisted in identifying and qualifying potential partners based on jointly agreed criteria, followed up with a deep-dive evaluation to create a short-lift of suitable companies.


潜在的战略伙伴关系或M&一个候选人 in 的 selected US regions were screened and a short-list was created based on set criteria which are a starting point for potential opportunities in 的 future.


诺顿a抽搐 provides services to make buildings more energy efficient by optimising how heating, 冷却, 通风也得到了控制. 诺顿a抽搐可以将建筑物所需的能源减少25%以上. 130 000 tons of Co2 avoided by customers thanks to 诺顿a抽搐's services in 2022.


Would you like to learn more about how we can help to grow your global sales in 的 美洲? 请日博备用网站 弗拉德Mansson 更多信息请访问日博备用网站商务网.